
Monday, 27 November 2006

Fabio - Live on Radio1 25/11/2006

FabioMassive tracks this week on Fabio's show. The man who sets trends and standards does it again.

Marky & Makoto "Togetherness" wicked colaboration.

Heist's "Jazz Time" old-school jazzlick!

Just listen! And check the full post for tracklisting...


Utah Jazz - ‘Back In Time’ (White)
Q Project - ‘Sex In The City’ (White)
Atlantic Connection - “2 years And More” (White)
Blame - “Mignight Run” (White)
!!! Marky & Makoto - “Togetherness” (innerground)
!!! Style Control - “Unknown” (White)
!!! Heist - “Jazz Time” (Full Cycle)
Steve Survival - “Jam” (White)
Cyantific - “Space Station” (Hosptital)
Blaster - “Things I’ve Done” (Fusion)
Atlantic Connection - “Rock Steady” (White)

Fabio In The Mix:

Calibre - “Gibb Dub” (White)
Lenzman - “Close To Me” (White)
Simon Bassline Smith & Drumsound - “Stay” (White)
Furney - “Sweat Dreams” (White)
Calibre - “Unlimited Funk” (White)
Redeyes - “Cream” (White)
Mancini - “Baby I Want You” (White)
Sabre - “Eggs Eye” (White)
Kjeli - “Seasonal Thug” (White)
Eveson - “X rated” (White)
Altantic Connection & Red Eyes - “Can’t Hide Love” (White)

TM - “Rock You” (White)
Miles - “Turn This way” (White)

>>> DL LOCATIONS: Fabio - Live on Radio1 25/11/200 | Mirror 01 | Mirror 02 |

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